Lee Corner Villa Design
梦幻庄园 欧式新古典自建房私家别墅装修设计案例
项目名称: 梦幻庄园
项目面积: 600平方米
空间性质: 自地自建
设计小组: A组
坐落位置: 河南信阳
主要建材: 多种天然石材 浮雕艺术线版 订制家具
设计时间: 2012年

屋主长年旅居海外,一次返国的偶然机会,在老家附近买下了这块漂亮角地,兴起了自建欧风别墅的念头,好作为将来退休后的永久居所。而主导全案空间规划的爱游戏体育官网网页官方别墅装修设计公司,从建筑起造阶段即与建筑师紧密配合,专业经验丰富的别墅建筑与室内设计师,并根据基地既有条件和屋主对于欧式生活的偏好,定调优雅的新古典主轴,透过精致的材质演绎与细节工艺,让空间与生活机能紧密连结,为屋主创造在家就如同出国度假般的极致享受,这座外观令人惊艷的自建别墅,还有个浪漫的名字──Lee Corner呢!

The owner has lived overseas for a return by chance, in the vicinity of his home bought this beautiful angle, the rise of the European style villa built the idea, as well as permanent residence retirement. Blanc villa decoration design company and leading the whole case of space planning, from the building to build stage and work closely with architects, experienced professional villa architecture and interior designers, and according to the conditions and bases of both the owner preference for European life, set the tone for the new classical elegance of the spindle, through deduction and the details of the process of fine material so, space and function of life closely linked, creating at home as a holiday abroad like the ultimate enjoyment for the owner, the appearance of stunning villa built, has a romantic name: Lee Corner!
标签: 自建房别墅设计私人别墅设计案例别墅装修设计案例
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